
The Venezuelan Refugee Crisis

Origins of the Crisis

·        Venezuela has the world’s largest oil reserves

·        Venezuela is a petrostate

·        Petrostate is an informal term to describe a country with the following characteristics:

o   government income is deeply reliant on the export of oil and natural gas

o   economic and political power are highly concentrated in an elite minority

o   political institutions are weak and unaccountable; corruption is widespread

Hugo Chavez
Hugo Chavez was elected as the president of Venezuela in 1999.
Chavez used oil income to improve the lives of the poor.
He remained the president of Venezuela until his death in 2013.
Nicolas Maduro
When Chavez died Nicolas Maduro stepped in as president and was “reelected” in 2018.
The legitimacy of the election is disputed.
During Maduro's administration, oil production plummeted leading to economic crises.
"Critics blame years of rampant corruption and mismanagement of the state-run oil firm PDVSA." 
Juan Guaido'

 As oil income declined, Venezuela was thrown into chaos.

Who Becomes a Refugee?

Except for the very wealthy, all Venezuelans are potential refugees.


Psycho-social stressors are particularly hard on women and children. Women eat last in order to feed their children. They work multiple jobs just to afford a little food.  They may feel forced to flee the country without their children so that they can get a job elsewhere to send money back to the relatives who are caring for their children. The children, who are hungry and ill, also can feel abandoned. In addition, lack of contraception and other reproductive healthcare means that already-stressed women may become pregnant again. 

Venezuelan refugees traveling by truck to Colombia.

The Countries to Where Refugees Flee

Refugees in Colombia

The majority of refugees (over 1 million) flee to Colombia.
UN Refugee Camp, La Guajira, Colombia

Guzmary Anez and her family were sleeping rough in Maicao until the tent facility was created.

Refugees in Peru
Peru has accepted over 500,000 refugees from Venezuela.

The Islands

  Children in the Camps 

Groups Who Aid Refugees
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees: UNHCR

“From October 2017 to September 2018, nearly 29,000 Venezuelans sought asylum in the US.”

US Religious Attitudes Towards Refugees

“No group agrees less with the idea that the United States has a responsibility to accept refugees than white evangelical Protestants.



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